It was the fourth night of being up ALL night with the baby in a row. The day had dawned, and I was deliriously trying to get ready for a day of homeschooling my older children. I knew we had been up at least 8 times because of the stack of wet diapers we had accumulated, but all I could remember was drowned out by the exhaustion.
It was another day without spending time alone with my savior. Even though I NEED a daily dosage of His Word every day as water for my spirit, the day would end leaving me parched and exhausted.
I made every excuse in the book, but I know He saw what I was going through with my baby insomniac. He knew how tired I was, and held me through it. BUT He also knows how vital it is that I spend time with him. Just like my body can’t tolerate days without a sip of water, my spirit can’t survive without His truth daily delivered.
I needed a solution to my daily spiritual dehydration that was occurring, and I needed it fast!
So, I prayerfully sought wisdom for my dilemma from the Lord. He is faithful to rescue us in times of trouble!
With His abundant help, I developed a method of meditating on one verse a day. One verse each day? That’s something even this exhausted, outmatched mama can handle! 😉
The Lord taught me to focus on one simple truth. Just one bite of the Bible each day. I would pray for the Lord to revel whatever truth I needed to my heart, and make His message clear to me.
This lead to a fully fed spirit, and a sweet time spending each day thinking about His word. I spent more time focused on seeking Him, and less time worrying about how I was going to squeeze in some daily Bible time. It also helped me to be a more kind, patient mama to my kids in spite of exhaustion. (Sometimes patience is lacking for me during tired times!)
Because of how well this method worked for me, I wanted to share it with you! 🙂
I put together a beautifully decorated Bible study walking even the most exhausted busy mama through focusing on one verse or passage from the Old Testament daily. If you follow the suggested seven-day plan I included, you will spend a few moments each day dissecting and thinking about each selected verse.
We will write, journal, answer simple questions to get you thinking, and even draw through each verse. This will hopefully help you hide His word in your heart, and keep your mind focused on HIS truth instead of on your circumstances.
I would LOVE to hear what you think about it, and know if it blesses you like it has me! 🙂
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